Chad and Daniel wrap up Moses' conversation with God. Compulsion and striking with miracles don't have Moses feeling great about all this but God isn't asking... He's telling. Check it out!
This episode is all about what God tells Moses His name is. Well, there is a little about milk and honey in there too, but really this could be called the great "I Am" episode. Check it out!
Moses is on the run, he meets some women at a well (and of course marries one), God hears the cries of His people and a bush is burning but not consumed. Chad and Daniel talk about all of this and more. Check it out!
Baby Moses is found by Pharaoh's daughter and adopted. His mother gets to be involved in his upbringing. When grown, Moses comes to the defense of some fellow Jews resulting in him being on the run. Chad and Daniel talk about all these things and more, check it out!
Pharaoh plots to have all the male babies of the Israelites killed, the midwives obey God rather than man and Moses is born and hidden. Chad and Daniel talk about all this and much more in this episode. Check it out!
After 60 episodes in Genesis Chad and Daniel begin the book of Exodus. They spend a while laying some groundwork and talking about how we never really move past what happens in the Exodus of Israel from captivity. Joseph is dead but the Jews are multiplying and the new Pharaoh is getting worried... check it out!
You get five extra minutes in this episode as Chad and Daniel wrap up the book of Genesis. Blessings are given, Jacob dies, forgiveness is everywhere and our teeth are white with milk. Check it out!
Chad and Daniel discuss Jacob on his deathbed. The oath he makes Joseph swear to him and a radical twist of blessing and adoption. Check it out!
Chad and Daniel discuss Jacob and Joseph being reunited with many tears, Pharaoh accepting Israel into Egypt and there is a whole lot of talk about sojourning. Have a listen.
Chad and Daniel talk about the last time God will speak for 400 years, eating holiness and the silence of God during exile. Check it out!
Chad, Daniel and Brandon talk about Joseph sending his brothers back to get their Father and Jacob's response. The pictures of our own reconciliation are vivid. Have a listen.
Chad and Daniel continue in Genesis. Judah steps forward to take Benjamin's place and Joseph reveals his identity. This episode is loaded with pictures of Christ, forgiveness and grace. Check it out.
Chad and Daniel talk about Joseph's brothers returning to him, everyone getting drunk, Benjamin's special treatment and Joseph's master plan. The wine is flowing, cups are being planted and grace is about to abound when all seems lost. Check it out!
Chad and Daniel talk about Joseph's interaction with his brothers and their interaction with Jacob. Money is given back, people are panicking, Grandsons are offered as collateral and tough decisions must be made. When we view God primarily through the Law we see everything as consequence... but something better is going on.
Daniel and Chad talk about Joseph's rise to power and lying to himself about forgetting his family. Famine has struck and the craziest family reunion ever is happening. "Old guilt gathers no rust."
Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel talk about Joseph's time in prison, who he meets there, the dreams they have and what it means when God remembers. It turns out there are two ways to have your head lifted.
Chad, Daniel and Brandon talk about Joseph getting hit on by his boss's wife, how he handled it and how sin turns us in on ourselves. No good deed goes unpunished in this episode. Check it out!
Chad, Daniel and Brandon tackle a story full of death, polygamy, spilling seed and playing the harlot. And yet, somehow it all ends with the incarnation. Have a listen.
Chad and Daniel talk about what Joseph's brothers decided to do to him and how it pre-figures Christ along with some stories about how brothers treat each other.
Bad parenting, bad reports, one colorful coat and two dreams you should keep to yourself. Chad, Daniel and Brandon dig into the first part of Joseph's long story.
Chad, Daniel and Brandon talk about Jacob's weak attempt to destroy idols, the birth of Benjamin, the death of Rachel and the worst way to make something right. Through it all, God is still renaming us.
After a positive episode of reconciliation last week everything falls apart. Rape, vengeance, trickery and murder are everywhere. What can we learn from those who take justice into their own hands? Have a listen.
This episode is all about brothers being reconciled and how it looks like God. Join Chad and Daniel as they unpack this incredible story.
Chad and Daniel talk about praying badly, assuming the worst about someone and the God who lets you beat Him.
Check it out!
Chad and Daniel talk about Jacob bailing out on Laban. Rachel stealing her father's idols and how getting what you don't deserve offends everyone.