This is a live recording from the 2018 Here We Still Stand Conference. Chad and Daniel are joined by guests Erick Sorenson and Michael Heiser to discuss Numbers 21:4-9. The people are complaining and God brings judgment in the form of deadly serpents. The cure is to have a bronze snake put on a pole. Why is this happening and how does it point to Christ and explain John 3:16? They talk about it in this special episode. Have a listen!
Miriam and Aaron get a little big for their britches and speak against Moses. What does this have with Moses’ Cushite wife and the fact that others are prophesying? God isn’t pleased with this at all and acts swiftly. God makes an important distinction between Moses and other prophets and Miriam becomes leprous. The one sinned against intercedes for the transgressor and God responds in mercy. Chad and Daniel talk about all of this. Have a listen!
The “riff-raff” start complaining about the food situation in the wilderness and the people start demanding meat. What was mana like? Was it really that bad? Moses gets frustrated and asks God to kill him. God refuses and appoints 70 elders to help him instead. And God gives the people an insane about of quail as a strange form of judgment. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Israel is marching through the wilderness led by a cloud of fire. We get some information about the instruments used in worship. Why are trumpets blown over certain sacrifices? How is worship a sort of time traveling? Moses asks an unlikely man to go with them on their journey to the promised land. And just as things seem to be going well, the people start complaining. Chad and Daniel talk about all of this. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel discuss the Levites becoming a living sacrifice and how it relates to what Paul says later in Romans 12. What are the implications of being part of the priesthood of all believers? They discuss the Old Testament saints writing things they didn’t fully understand. Some men become ritually unclean and are unable to celebrate the Passover and Moses goes to God for a solution. God shows His desire for people to be able to participate in His promises. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel talk about the significance of hair in the Bible. They explore one of the best benedictions in scripture. Is this Aaron’s benediction or God’s? What are the Trinitarian implications in this blessing? They discuss why certain passages are well known and the power of the spoken word of God. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel tackle one of the stranger texts in the Old Testament. When a husband suspects his wife of adultery a ritual is put forth to find out the truth. It involves drinking dirt and ink and a curse. What is going on here? Why would God set something like this up? How does the way Jesus handles accusations of adultery help us with this text? They then move on and discuss the Nazirite Vow. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel discuss the role of priests, Levites and moving of the temple. What is the connection between the Levites and the Passover? Why is the language of "firstborn" so significant in scripture? What does this tell us about the priesthood of all believers? And how do they end up at the parable of the Good Samaritan? Have a listen?
Chad and Daniel begin the book of Numbers. They talk about what to expect as they work through this book. Why does Israel number their warriors? What does this have to do with the church militant and church triumphant? How does the beginning of Numbers point to the incarnation? Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel wrap up the book of Leviticus. It seems like a strange ending but there are things to learn. How did the end of this book play out in the early church? How do they end up at Ananias and Sapphira? Thanks for joining us for this book and get ready for Numbers!
Chad and Daniel are back after being on the road for a few weeks! In this episode they discuss the Year of Jubilee, everything it is pointing to and how it's all about Jesus. They then discuss the threats, consequences and promises of God. What happens when we reject God and disregard His promises? Exactly how long will God work to bring His people back? Have a listen!
A man verbally murders God and is put to death. How does this point us to Christ? The need for witnesses is established. Does an eye for an eye really make the whole world blind? The good news that God doesn't just declare us "not guilty." There is a sabbath for the land every seven years and every fifty years everything resets. Chad and Daniel talk about all of this. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel wrap up their discussion about the Old Testament feast days. What is the feast of trumpets? Why is everyone told to do nothing? How does the day of atonement work? There is a lot of talk about worship, church and living water in this episode. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel discuss how sanctification and holiness have always been a gift from God. Can you drive God out and lose accesses to the gift of sanctification? They then begin a conversation about Israel's calendar and Holy days. The Sabbath, The Passover, Feast of Firstfruits and Feast of Weeks are all discussed. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel spend a lot of time talking about death, how the people of Israel viewed it and what changed once Jesus arrived. Priests have very strict rules about who they can marry and what makes them unclean. But the true and great High Priest does things very differently. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel spend some time talking about what the Bible says about tattoos. Does Daniel need to repent immediately? Is there any crossover between laws for Jewish and non-Jewish Christians? Why was the Holy Land Holy? Why did the land vomit out its former inhabitants? It's an interesting episode. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel discuss the laws for gleaning and taking care of the poor and strangers and how this plays out in other places in scripture even leading to the preservation of the line of Christ. What is the ultimate purpose of God choosing the nation of Israel? What does that tell us about the Israel of the Church? What does it mean to not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind? Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel go into more detail discussing the 18th chapter of Leviticus. What does it mean to uncover someone's nakedness? Is there such a thing as casual sin? Why are there rules for sexual engagement at all? How is love the heart of the law? Why does the god Molech come up in the list of sexual prohibitions? How does the sacrificial nature of love help us in all of this? Have a listen!
"The life is in the blood." Chad and Daniel spend a bunch of time discussing this crucial verse. What does it say about the physicality of redemption and atonement, the gift nature of blood itself and why does location matter? They then move on and begin discussing the rules for sexual engagement and the nature and harmfulness of sin. It's an interesting episode. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel discuss The Day of Atonement and why this day not only applied to people but places and things as well. Blood, goat demons, flags, and idolatry are addressed. Yes, goat demons. Spiritual adultery vs spiritual prostitution. And what the banner of the church is. Have a listen!
God has some things to say about sex in relation to idolatry. At the heart of everything is the day of atonement. What is going on in the use of two different goats? How does God send sins away? What is at the heart of forgiveness? How does vertical forgiveness result in horizontal forgiveness? Chad and Daniel discuss it all. Have a listen!
It's all about being unclean this week. Bodily discharge, childbearing, and leprosy are discussed. Why are men and women treated differently? Why does which sex your child is result in longer uncleanness? Why is Daniel so triggered by leprosy? What do Pastors have to do with any of this?And how does all of it point us to Jesus? Chad and Daniel discuss it all. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel tackle the dietary rules for Israel. Why are some animals clean and others unclean? Is it health? Is it pagan association? Is there any real reason at all? What does it have to do with holiness? And what does God declaring all things clean tell us about the New Covenant? They talk about all this and more. Have a listen!
God is showing up with fire in this episode. Chad and Daniel discuss fire in the Bible and it's consuming nature. Two young priests get the holiness of God wrong and it goes very badly. Why do we think if God showed up in power that would be enough for us? Turns out what God says is holy, is holy and what He has not, is not... including all of us. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel quickly move through chapter 7 and get into chapter 8 of Leviticus. What is a "free will" offering? What is the significance of the ordination of Priests? Blood from head to toe? What is going on with anointing oil and Aaron's beard? What does all this tell us about the priesthood of all believers? Everything is coming up sacramental. Have a listen!