David listens to Abigail. Nabal’s heart cannot handle the news of what has just happened. David “remembers” Abigail. And another opportunity to rid himself of Saul is placed in David’s lap. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
David provides protection to a foolish man’s flocks without being asked. The fool isn’t interested in rewarding David for this unrequested service, putting everyone who pees standing up in danger. But a woman named Abigail asks quickly to stop bloodshed. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
David has a chance to kill Saul in a cave but cuts off the corner of his robe instead. David’s conscience is struck and gives his longest recorded speech as he tries to make peace with the mad king. And Saul has a few moments of clarity. Chad and Daniel discuss these things in this episode. Have a listen!
A fugitive priest joins David’s company. David comes out of hiding to fight the Philistines. Jonathan meets with David one last time. And Saul is getting very close to his prey. Chad and Daniel discuss these things in this episode. Have a listen!
David flees and finds refuge in a cave. Four hundred desperate men join up with him. And Saul visits the priest who helped David and the whole town suffers the wrath of the mad king. Chad and Daniel discuss these things in this episode. Have a listen!