Chad and Daniel talk about the ordination of the priests and how holiness is transferred and why it's important. Do just people need this or is there more to it than that? What is packed into the promise of God being "your God?" And what is going on with all the incense? All that and more in this episode. Have a listen!
What's up with casting lots and other things like that? Why is the name of God placed on priest's foreheads? How do Chad and Daniel end up in the book of Revelation? Plus a bonus bunny trail about how Apostles are called. Have a listen!
What is the purpose of the ornateness of the tabernacle? What is going on with everything the priests and high priest have wear? How do all of these things point to Christ, the cross, and our redemption? Chad Bird and Daniel Emery Price talk about these things and more in this episode. Have a listen!
This episode spends most of the 40 minutes talking about the veil. What was it's duel purpose? Why was it torn from top to bottom at Christ's death? What was being fulfilled? What to baptism and the Lord's Supper have to do with it? Chad and Daniel bounce around Exodus to the gospels to Hebrews to get the answers. Have a listen!