Miriam dies and is buried. A lot of time has passed and most of the generation that left Egypt has died but that hasn’t stopped the people from complaining. There is no water and Moses and Aaron are again accused of bringing the people into the wilderness to die. God tells Moses to speak to a rock to bring forth water. Moses is angry with the people and strikes the rock twice with his staff. God tells Moses he will not enter the promise land. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
It's almost Christmas! And that means 40 Minutes in the Old Testament and 30 Minutes in the New Testament are coming together again. Daniel, Chad, and Erick take a look at the 2nd chapter of Matthew and the passages he cites from Micah and Hosea. Bethlehem is blessed and God will call His Son out of Egypt. How are we to understand these things and why should they increase our joy? Have a listen and a merry Christmas!
Chad and Daniel discuss why God commands a certain sacrifice involving an unblemished red heifer. Why does the color matter? Why do the ashes matter? What does all of this have to do with sin and death? How does the new testament connect all this to Jesus and a sacramental application of His work? Have a listen!
The people are now angry with Moses and Aaron and come up with a very old Adam reason that everything is Moses’ fault. Moses prays but God has had enough and strikes the people with a plague. Aaron runs down into the middle of death to stand between the wrath of God and the people. And a strange test involving staffs is done resulting in something that the church has connected to the nativity. Chad and Daniel talk about all of this.