Azariah does what is right in the sight of God, yet his pride causes him to become a leper. Four generations of Jehu sit on the throne. Menahem goes beyond the evil of those before him and pays off potential threats. Kings come and go but the high places remain. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Amaziah is a middle of the road king who spares some enemies but kills many more. He makes an unwise challenge to Jehoahaz and ends up a prisoner. Kings come and go as the assignation rate increases. And Jeroboam II is a sinner like his namesake, but God is going to use him to save His people. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Joash seeks help from a sick and old Elisha but doesn’t strike the ground with arrows enough times. Elisha dies and a nameless man ends up being buried with him and comes back to life. And sometimes it’s the faith of others that results in God being merciful to you. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Jehoash begins his reign at 7 years old and everything goes well as long as he has the voice of his priest to listen to. The temple needs work, but the funds are going elsewhere. The king is struck down and judgment is coming… along with a savior. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!