Chad and Daniel wrap up 2 Samuel in this episode. God is angry because David numbers the people (even though He told him to). David chooses between three punishments and puts himself in the hands of God. Jesus shows up and agrees further punishment will be deferred. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel continue to discuss David’s last words and then explore the list of his mighty men. Protect the lentils fields and kill a lion in a pit in the snow. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel continue to discuss a song of David and his role as the hymn writer of Israel. David gives all credit for his victories to God. David and his offspring are shown steadfast love forever. And the Lord lives. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel discuss a song of salvation by David. God is a dragon riding on an angel to save His beloved. Someone is righteous, is it David or his son… or both? Have a listen!