Chad and Daniel start chapter 6 of Deuteronomy. God tells the people to listen and to teach the word of God. What is the significance of the language of milk and honey? What does this and crossing the Jordan have o do with baptism? What does it mean that God is one? Why does God say not to put Him to the test? All of this is discussed. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel continue discussing the “Ten Commandments”. What does it mean to take the Lord’s name in vain? What does it mean to “keep” the Sabbath? What does coveting have to do with Eve in Eden? Israel is surprised that God speaks to them and they don’t die. What is the motivation behind the “10 Commandments"? All of this is discussed. Have a listen!
God explains what His name means and contrasts Himself with every false god. Do the “10 Commandments” apply to Christians? Is “10 commandments” the right way to view these words from God? Should the church “unhitch itself” from the old testament? Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
We are told to fear God. Does that mean we are to live our whole life being afraid of God or is something else going on? What is the difference between listening to God and obeying Him? What is the connection between the fire at Sinai and the New Testament Pentecost? What prophecy is given in the prohibition to make images of God? Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!