"The life is in the blood." Chad and Daniel spend a bunch of time discussing this crucial verse. What does it say about the physicality of redemption and atonement, the gift nature of blood itself and why does location matter? They then move on and begin discussing the rules for sexual engagement and the nature and harmfulness of sin. It's an interesting episode. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel discuss The Day of Atonement and why this day not only applied to people but places and things as well. Blood, goat demons, flags, and idolatry are addressed. Yes, goat demons. Spiritual adultery vs spiritual prostitution. And what the banner of the church is. Have a listen!
God has some things to say about sex in relation to idolatry. At the heart of everything is the day of atonement. What is going on in the use of two different goats? How does God send sins away? What is at the heart of forgiveness? How does vertical forgiveness result in horizontal forgiveness? Chad and Daniel discuss it all. Have a listen!
It's all about being unclean this week. Bodily discharge, childbearing, and leprosy are discussed. Why are men and women treated differently? Why does which sex your child is result in longer uncleanness? Why is Daniel so triggered by leprosy? What do Pastors have to do with any of this?And how does all of it point us to Jesus? Chad and Daniel discuss it all. Have a listen!