Elisha tells his friends to leave the land before famine comes and returns at the perfect moment. The king of Syria is sick and wants a son of no one to ask Elisha if he will live. And Elisha gives good news and bad news with tears in his eyes. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Elisha is in his house when the king comes for him, and Elisha makes a seemingly impossible prophecy. Four lepers decide to roll the dice and approach the camp of the Syrians rather than starve. The sound of dual armies has resulted in a day of gospel. And Elisha’s words come to pass. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
The king of Syria is thinking about war, but Elisha knows what is going on behind closed doors. Chariots of fire come to the aid of God’s people and Elisha has a feast for their enemies. And a famine strikes the land resulting in terrible desperation. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Naaman comes out of the Jordan river believing in the one true God but needs a little help with his theology. Gehazi lets his greed get the better of him. And a son of the prophets loses a borrowed ax head in the river and Elisha helps him. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel talk about the recent events in Chad’s life and the relationship between grief and the promises of God. The commander of the Syrian army has everything going for him, but he is a leper. Elisha has a way for him to be made clean, but is this commander willing to do it? Have a listen!
The Shunammite woman’s son dies but God is in the business of resurrection. A man makes a deadly stew that Elisha cleanses. And Elisha feeds 100 men with 20 loaves of bread previewing one of Jesus’ most famous miracles. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Who does God want to win this battle and what exactly does “shall” mean? Elisha multiplies a jar of oil to help a widow. And a wealthy couple decides to build Elisha a room on their roof and in return Elisha makes an incredible promise. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Some young men mock Elisha and are torn apart by two she bears. The king of Israel and the king of Judah team up against the Moabites without asking the Lord if it is a good idea. And Elisha needs a musician. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Elisha refuses to leave the side of Elijah. People tell Elisha that his mentor is going away, and Elisha says he knows this. Elijah is taken by God in a whirlwind and a chariot of fire. And Elisha ends up with the cloak of the prophet of fire. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel begin 2 Kings in this episode. King Ahaziah has an accident and is worried that he may not recover so he sends messengers to inquire of false gods. God sends Elijah to tell him that he will not recover resulting in the King trying to hunt down the Prophet at the expense of 102 lives. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel wrap up 1 Kings in this episode. God is not pleased with Ahab acquiring Naboth’s vineyard and sends Elijah to give him a hard word. Ahab asks false prophets if he should go to war. There is a lying spirit in certain mouths and a stray arrow in the gap of Ahab’s armor. Have a listen!
A son of a prophet needs to get hit in the face to make a parable convincing and if you’re unwilling to strike him, a lion may strike you. Ahab wants a man’s vineyard, but he refuses to sell it to him, so the king goes home sad. But Jezebel knows how to get what she wants and it will be bloody. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
The king of Syria tells Ahab he is taking over. At first Ahab backs down but then decides he will fight. A prophet tells Ahab how he is going to win the battle. And Ahab makes a common mistake keeping the enemy king alive. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
God meets with Elijah and the Prophet tells Him exactly how he feels about what is going on. God is not found in the fire or the earthquake, but in a low whisper. Elijah has work to do and that work starts with calling Elisha to be his assistant and student. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Elijah slaughters the prophets of Baal and tells Ahab that rain is coming. Jezebel is not pleased about what happened at Mount Carmel and tells Elijah his days are numbers. Elijah is on the run again and at his lowest moment God shows up. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Obadiah is hiding prophets and isn’t excited when Elijah wants him to give the king a message. Elijah goes to theological war with the prophets of Baal. Elijah mocks false gods while God consumes a victory. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Elijah is hunted but cared for by God by ravens. He is then sent to live with a widow and her son who are on the brink of starvation. God miraculously provides for the three of them day by day. And for the first time in scripture, we see someone raised from the dead. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Kings come and go. Some reign for a while and some for only a few days. Some are murdered. And some do the murdering. But idolatry remains through it all. But God is about to speak through a prophet named Elijah. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
King Asa reduces idolatry but cannot avoid war with Israel. But Asa convinces the king of Syria to side with him. Future rulers of Israel and Judah are not nearly as opposed to idolatry as Asa and God is not pleased. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
We say goodbye (good riddance) to Jeroboam, but his son isn’t going to be any better. The king of Egypt flexes his power over Judah. And there was only one time when David acted as an idolator does. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Jeroboam’s son falls ill so he sends his wife to Ahijah the prophet to see if he can receive a good word from him. But it’s all bad news from the prophet. And repentance can change history. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
A man of God from Judah travels to Jeroboam. The prophet’s words are not received but a dried-up hand stops Jeroboam from seizing him. A separate prophet lies to get the man of God to eat and drink with him. And a donkey and a lion are waiting on the road home. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Rehoboam takes bad advice and delivers a hard word to the people. Israel rejects him and makes Jeroboam king. But Jeroboam does the unthinkable as he tries to hang on to power. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Solomon chooses to try to kill Jeroboam instead of repenting. Jeroboam flees to Egypt. Solomon dies and his son is crowned king. But Rehoboam isn’t his father and certainly isn’t his grandfather. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
God addresses the idolatry that Solomon has allowed into Israel, and He is not pleased. God raises adversaries against Solomon but promises the kingdom won’t completely fall in Solomon’s life. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!