Chad and Daniel look at letters sent back and forth from different rulers that are trying to figure out if the Jews have really been told to rebuild their temple and city. Some are in good faith, and some seem not to be. And God doesn’t leave His people without a preacher. Have a listen!
There is a lot of joy and a lot of tears as the foundation of the temple is laid. Certain adversaries ask to help rebuild the temple and their offer is rejected. But the people of God are made afraid and discouraged from continuing to rebuild the temple. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
The exiles return to Judah and Jerusalem in very specific numbers. Proof of genealogy is needed to be numbered in the priesthood. And the altar is rebuilt. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel begin the book of Ezra in this episode. King Cyrus is a different kind of conqueror and God uses him to fulfill the words of Jerimiah. Cyrus knows the difference between being loved and being feared. And some of the people of God are headed home to rebuild the House of the Lord. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel take a little extra time and finish the book of 2 Kings in this episode. There is no good king after Josiah. The wrath of God has come, and Judah is taken into captivity. But there is still a glimmer of hope. God keeps His promises. Have a listen!
Josiah doesn’t destroy the tomb of the man of God who prophesied the very things Josiah is doing. The priests of false gods in Samaria are slain on their altars and high places. And Josiah puts together the second greatest Passover ever celebrated. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Josiah gets to work tearing down, smashing, and burning every idolatrous thing in the kingdom. He defiles all the idols that defiled Judah. And puts graveyards in place of pillars to false gods. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Josiah begins to reign after the son of Manasseh is killed. The Book of the Law is discovered in the temple and read to Josiah. The king is convinced that judgment is coming, which is confirmed by Huldah the prophetess. Josiah may not live to see the wrath of God, but reform is coming anyway. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Manasseh begins to reign, and sin increases everywhere. The sin of Judah surpasses the nations before it. And God has been provoked since the day Moses led Israel out of Egypt. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Hezekiah becomes ill and is told he will die but he prays a terrible but tearful prayer that God hears. The 3rd day appears again in the Old Testament. Hezekiah shows off his wealth and might. And a hard word is given that Hezekiah says is good. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Isaiah tells Hezekiah what is going to happen to Sennacherib, the king of Assyria. God will save Jerusalem for the sake of His name and for the sake of David (which it turns out are the same thing). And the true King of Kings shows up and kills 185,000 men. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
The so-called “king of kings” insults God as he threatens and lies to the people of Judah. Hezekiah knows it’s better to be humble than to be humbled. And Isaiah isn’t worried about the threats of mere men. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
The king of Assyria carries away Israel because they neither listened to nor did what God told them. Hezekiah gathers a crazy amount of gold and silver to try to pay off the Assyrian king. But the foreign king has a message that he wants all the people of Judah to hear. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
The people of Samaria don’t fear the Lord and instead of preachers, God sends lions. A priest is sent to catechize the people but apparently does a bad job. Hezekiah becomes king in Judah and does what none before him would do. And the bronze serpent returns out of nowhere. Chad and Daniel discuss it. Have a listen!
In this special Christmas episode, Chad Bird, Erick Sorensen, Daniel Emery Price, and Scott Keith discuss the first 18 verses of the Gospel According to John. Have a listen and Merry Christmas!
Israel becomes a vassal state under the reign of Hoshea. He tries to make an alliance with Egypt resulting in his capture by the Assyrians. The kingdom falls and we are given all the reasons why. In the end, how long can you poke the bear and not get bit? Chad and Daniel discuss it. Have a listen!
Ahaz goes down as one of the worst kings ever as he engages in false worship on a whole new level and begins to distance the kingdom from the identity that God gave them. Chad and Daniel discuss it. Have a listen!
Azariah does what is right in the sight of God, yet his pride causes him to become a leper. Four generations of Jehu sit on the throne. Menahem goes beyond the evil of those before him and pays off potential threats. Kings come and go but the high places remain. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Amaziah is a middle of the road king who spares some enemies but kills many more. He makes an unwise challenge to Jehoahaz and ends up a prisoner. Kings come and go as the assignation rate increases. And Jeroboam II is a sinner like his namesake, but God is going to use him to save His people. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Joash seeks help from a sick and old Elisha but doesn’t strike the ground with arrows enough times. Elisha dies and a nameless man ends up being buried with him and comes back to life. And sometimes it’s the faith of others that results in God being merciful to you. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Jehoash begins his reign at 7 years old and everything goes well as long as he has the voice of his priest to listen to. The temple needs work, but the funds are going elsewhere. The king is struck down and judgment is coming… along with a savior. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Jehu has all the zeal but somehow there are still golden calves hanging around. The queen mother has the entire royal family killed apart from a young prince who is hidden by a priest. A plan is put in place and a new king is crowned. Is it all treason? Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Chad and Daniel are joined by Erick Sorensen and Caleb Keith in this episode recorded live from the Here We Still Stand Conference. It’s all about Psalm 19 and why nature is not enough. Have a listen!
Ahab has 70 sons that Jehu is determined to deal with. Jehu proves to be not only a ruthless warrior but a good politician. And the worshipers of Baal gather for a special sacrifice. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Jehu is riding like a madman and there is no peace in his path for idol worshippers. There is land that still belongs to Naboth. And Jezebel hurls insults out a window before being hurled out herself. Chad and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!